• Papercraft 3D PUMPKIN full Decor for halloween party pepakura Low Poly Paper Sculpture DIY gift home and office template decoration
  • Papercraft 3D PUMPKIN full Decor for halloween party pepakura Low Poly Paper Sculpture DIY gift home and office template decoration
  • Papercraft 3D PUMPKIN full Decor for halloween party pepakura Low Poly Paper Sculpture DIY gift home and office template decoration
  • Papercraft 3D PUMPKIN full Decor for halloween party pepakura Low Poly Paper Sculpture DIY gift home and office template decoration
  • Papercraft 3D PUMPKIN full Decor for halloween party pepakura Low Poly Paper Sculpture DIY gift home and office template decoration
  • Papercraft 3D PUMPKIN full Decor for halloween party pepakura Low Poly Paper Sculpture DIY gift home and office template decoration
  • Papercraft 3D PUMPKIN full Decor for halloween party pepakura Low Poly Paper Sculpture DIY gift home and office template decoration
  • Papercraft 3D PUMPKIN full Decor for halloween party pepakura Low Poly Paper Sculpture DIY gift home and office template decoration
  • Papercraft 3D PUMPKIN full Decor for halloween party pepakura Low Poly Paper Sculpture DIY gift home and office template decoration
Papercraft 3D PUMPKIN full Decor for halloween party pepakura Low Poly Paper Sculpture DIY gift home and office template decoration

Papercraft 3D PUMPKIN full Decor for halloween party pepakura Low Poly Paper Sculpture DIY gift home and office template decoration

3.32 9.48
Item details
Digital download
Digital file type(s): 1 PDF
Support for file crafts: PDF Vector
Height: 218 milimeters
Width: 260 milimeters
Depth: 260 milimeters

3d papercraft PUMPKIN half and full for Halloween party, template for low poly paper figure, pattern for self-assembly polygonal pumpkin for decoration home and office

Eyes and ears are glued on the outside

this is PDF pattern ! not ready made model !
Template included detailed instruction. like all others

for FULL pumpkin
For assembling. Print this pattern on 7-15 sheets paper or cardstock size A4 or letter density 160g-300g / 90lb-120lbs scale 100%
7 sheet for pumpkin only

Size for A4 paper
for FULL pumpkin
Height-218mm (8,6 inch)
Wight-260mm (10,2 Inch)
Depth-260 mm (10,2 Inch)

Color scheme
for FULL pumpkin

Color scheme
Sheet 1 top and bottom
Sheet 2-7 main color

Sheet 8-12 ears (optional)
Sheet 13-15 faces (optional)
You can use your favorite color try
to experiment!

Sheet 7-11 ears (optional)
Sheet 12-14 faces (optional)
You can use your favorite color try to experiment!

Assembly tips
Every detail has its own number with large symbols.
Follow these numbers for your convenience. Enjoy it !
If you want to make model more in size, print the pattern on a3 size paper and scale up to 145%.
This is a very simple model, you don't need any extra tips
Just enjoy it!.

Make a photo of the finished work and share in social networks. Please tag me on the photo
@papercraftfreak and use a hashtag

All rights reserved. Personal use only! Copying, sharing, transferring, publishing and selling are strictly prohibited without my authorization.
exchange is strictly prohibited

para mis amigos mexicanos!
Todos los derechos reservados. Solo para uso personal! Copiar, compartir, transferir, publicar y vender estan estrictamente prohibidos sin mi autorizacion.
el intercambio esta estrictamente prohibido


low poly papercraft pepakura template polygonal figure birthday papercraft paperfreak pattern low poly art celebration decor party decoration papercraft 3d DIY sweet table decor pumpkin sculpture Halloween ideas scary jack o lantern

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