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21 Sales

How about thanks for stopping by to learn more about my store. Let me introduce myself. My name is Jose Miguel and I like to create designs on paper. I have been doing this for a long time but it has never been sold on digital platforms. It started as a hobby and I really loved it. At first I started downloading from the internet. But they were very complicated designs to make and on many occasions it took me several days to make them. I started by taking 3D design courses to be able to create designs with a simple assembly and that, at the same time, they were beautiful that they took little time and that the pieces were symmetrical my partner and I have a small clothing store in the province where we live and I came up with the idea of ​​decorating with figures that I make. People began by being interested in my work and they asked me to sell them to them. Later they asked me for specific designs and I still made them because it is a pleasure for me that they admire what I do and when I see their happy face they motivate me even more. I have clients who have bought more than 15 designs from me and I think I c I think it's the last piece they buy from me and no. They keep buying from me, they tell me that it is to give away because the visitors who have gone to their house liked it... all this has been in physical form and I have sold them pieces finished in paper. but now I want to make myself known in more places I see that this platform is the right one only that by this means I only sell digital items since it is much easier for the interested party to acquire one of my products and of course they know beforehand that they are digital and that they want to make them with their own hands. and for something you start first with someone else's designs and every time you become more interested you will start creating your own designs and there are no limits. school work for the little ones, utility, decoration, functional things, to mention something good what I want to say with all this is that I am sure that you are going to like my work I have more than 150 designs and I continue to create more and more every day I will be publishing little more you can ask me for a specific design that you like and I will do it for you following the line of my works that you have realized are in low poly


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